Freitag, 1. April 2016

Findings - The 4th of 365 Days

Today may not sound so interesting, but it was very important for me.

For first, I relaxed in the morning, learned and informed me about fashion. So the usual.
After lunch, I took my pen and paper, and made a list. Pretty old school, I know. But this time not "Wishes" or something like that.
It was about my spirit.

"Things that I really like."

In addition to such banalities as "Coca Cola, pizza , pasta, chips, fresh fruit and vegetables (especially raspberries, tomatoes, coconuts and strawberries), Sweet and Salty Candies and coffee" came other things to light. Maybe not very surprising things, but important. As you may know, this project or challenge is a way to find myself and take you with me on my journey. Maybe I can even inspire some of you who are unsure what to do with the life.

I came closer to me in the area, as I have been writing things like the following:

My love
To draw
To write
Films and series
Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Moss, Brigitte Bardot, Leonard Nimoy and Christian Bale
Tim Burton, Christopher Nolan and Quentin Tarantino
Stan Lee, Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe and Hermann Hesse

And much more!
But the three most important things:

The feeling of the sun and wind on the skin
To change something in this world
To see a child's smile

It showed me a little bit the way which I want to go in my life. I like to be creative and make in any manner, one of my hobbies to my job and to change something in this world, even if it is only something tiny. I want to make people and especially children happy.
I know I reach for the stars, but if you do not begin to reach for it, then they leave the universe.

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